Come Follow Jesus with Us
Crest Hill, IL
Weekly Services
Services are held on Sunday at 1:30PM. Join us and continue to stay connected throughout the week as following Christ isn't a one-day event. Learn to take time and be mindful of the teachings of Jesus throughout your week by starting off with us.
Attending a Service is great, but we aren’t called to sit in a chair. The Christian life is full of growth and challenges. Come and be with people who encourage each other to follow Christ.
Doing Good
Jesus came to redeem the world. He left the Church to be a minister of reconciliation both to God and each other. Sometimes that looks like prayer. Sometimes it looks like a meal. Sometimes a phone call to a friend. But always when we serve our friends and neighbor.
Come and See
…what Christ invites us to. The value of a person has been lost in the day-to-day back and forth of normal life. Come and see how God wanted humanity to interact with each other by following in the steps and teachings of Jesus.
Come and Think
Seeing isn’t always believing and faith takes trust. Every week we study the teachings of Christ and his desire to show humans how to be better, well, humans! We don’t have life figured out and we get lost in the busyness sometimes. Come and take time to meditate and reflect on the teachings that transformed the world.
Come and Be Changed
It’s one thing to hear something that is true. It’s another to believe something is true. Our words and actions are outward expressions of the things we believe. We focus and strive to adhere to the teachings that are summed up in the words “Love God, Love Others.”